Panagiota Dimitropoulou

Brief CV

I graduated from the Department of Psychology at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) and also I have obtained Bachelor degree in Primary Education Studies from the Department of Primary Education, from the University of Thessaly. I also obtained my MSc from the Postgraduate Programme in School Psychology of NKUA and, finally, I received my Ph.D. degree in School Psychology form the same university. My research interests are in broad areas of school and educational psychology such as mental health promotion, motivation, learning difficulties, academic emotions and I have participated in the development, implementation and assessment of evidence-based prevention and intervention programs (primary, secondary and system level) in Institutions and schools in Greece and Cyprus.

Career Development

  • University of the Cyprus (2011-2015)
    • Special Teaching Staff
  • University of Ioannina (2015 – 2017)
    • Faculty Member
  • University of Crete (2017 – Today)
    • Faculty Member

Research Interests

My research interests are focusing mental health promotion, motivation and students with or without learning difficulties, academic emotions in learning and instruction, evidence-based intervention programs in school community for students with or without learning, emotional and behavioral difficulties, provision of e-mental health services.

Research Grants

  • European Union Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions-Innovative Training Networks (ITN): “Neo-PRISM-C: NEurodevelopmental Optimal-Predictors, Risk factors, and Intervention from a Systems approach to Maladjustment in Children ” [2018-2022]

Selected Publications

  • Δημητροπούλου Π., Φιλιππάτου, Δ., Χρυσοχόου, Ε., Ρούσσος, Π., Ράλλη, Α., & Διακογιώργη, Κ. Οικονόμου, A &, Γρίβα, A. (in press). Ακαδημαϊκά συναισθήματα και κίνητρα για την ανάγνωση: Προκαταρκτικά ευρήματα για την ανάπτυξη και τις μεταξύ τους σχέσεις στην παιδική ηλικία και την προεφηβεία. Συλλογικός Τόμος του Κλάδου Αναπτυξιακής Ψυχολογίας.
  • Φιλιππάτου, Δ., & Δημητροπούλου, Π. (2019). Ψυχοπαιδαγωγικά προγράμματα πρόληψης και παρέμβασης στο σχολικό πλαίσιο: θεωρητικές προσεγγίσεις και ερευνητικά δεδομένα. Ψυχολογία, Ειδικό τεύχος: Ψυχοπαιδαγωγικές Παρεμβάσεις Και Προγράμματα Πρόληψης Στο Σχολικό Περιβάλλον, 24(1), 113-122.
  • Fousiani, K., Michaelides, M., & Dimitropoulou, P. (2018). The effects of ethnic group membership on bullying at school: when do observers dehumanize bullies?. The Journal of social psychology, 1-12.
  • Fousiani, K., Dimitropoulou, P., & Michaelides, M.P. (2016). Controlled Motivational Orientation and Prejudice: The Mediating Role of Dehumanization. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 75, 97-107.
  • Fousiani, K., Dimitropoulou, P., Michaelides, M.P. & Van Petegem, S. (2016). Perceived Parenting and Adolescent Cyber-Bullying: The Intervening Role of Need Satisfaction, Empathy and Dehumanization. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 25(7), 2120–2129.
  • Christogiorgos, S., Tzikas, D., Widdershoven-Zervaki, M.A., Dimitropoulou, P., Athanassiadou, E., & Giannakopoulos G. (2013). Hypochondriacal Anxieties in Adolescence. The Open Psychology Journal, 6, 6-9.
  • Filippatou, D., Dimitropoulou, P. Hamawi, Μ., Kalpadaki, Α., Papkonstantinou, G., Gourdomichalis, R., Tzaneti, S., Sideridis, G., Diamanti, Μ., Skourogianni, G., Widdershoven-Zervaki, M.A., & Zografou, F. (2013). Early intervention program for infants and toddlers aged 0-4 years: an alternative practice in the field of mental health]. In M. Vlassopoulou, Ε. Mantaka-Brinkmann & Β. Mirkos (Eds.), Logotherapia: Multidisciplinary Approaches (pp. 110-117). Athens: Βήτα.
  • Hatzichristou, C., Issari, P., Lykitsakou, K., Lampropoulou, A., & Dimitropoulou,P. (2011). The development of a multi-level model for crisis prevention and intervention in the Greek educational system. School Psychology International, 32(5), 464–483.

Courses offered at the Undergraduate Level

  • Educational Psychology (PSY-1302)
  • Motivation and Psychoemotional Factors In Learning (PSY-2305)
  • School Environment and Mental Health (PSY-3315)
  • Psychoeducational Skills In the School Classroom (Seminar: PSY-3314)